Down the aisle: Who, What and Why.

If you haven’t seen The Tolberts’ wedding day short film you’re childish. Our friends, videographers and directors Zainobmathewcreate ( also curated my Phenomenal woman visual and countless other crazy dope creations) out did themselves per usual. ( Zainob & Mathew Create)

I can add nothing to the recap, but wanted to shed light on one of the most intimate moments of the ceremony; my bridal entrance.

Who? My older brother. He is easy to spot in the wedding party wearing traditional African attire complete with cropped pants and kufi. And yes when he sent me the sketches of his custom selection, I said SIR!!!? But that is besides the point. I have known he would walk me down the aisle most of my life. He has always been my over -protector, the first “man” I admired and the first I acknowledged I loved despite his imperfections. He has been the most consistent man in my life. What? I chose Childish Gambino/Donald Glover cover of Tamia “So into you” as my entrance song. Why?

While hubby and I were dating long distance he sent me that version. It may have been after an argument or in between a long stretch of not seeing each other. I later found out he sent the song and lyrics right after purchasing my engagement ring. As many times as I’ve heard that song, something about this cover just hit different. The use of the song for my entrance was also a surprise to my groom. * Cue the water works*

Watch the full visual using link attached!

All in love,
